John Deere, F935, Power Sit Down Lawn mower. The items VIN number is M0F935X170503. The item has a John Deere engine and 1 speed transmission. It runs on diesel. The hour of operation are unknown. the item has keys and batteries. It did not run when attempted to start. The items fluids have not been drained. GL can help load this item.
Toro, Ground Master 223-D, Power Lawn Mower. The serial number is 002347. The item is 2 wheel drive, and is diesel engine driven. The item has 2,459 hours of operation. The item has keys but could not start it. GL can help load this item.
Toro, Ground Master 223-D, Power Lawn Mower. The serial number is unknown. The item is 2 wheel drive, and is diesel engine driven. The item has 2,402 hours of operation. The item has keys but could not start it. GL can help load this item.
DRMS - Government Auction History - (Part Number : 57305)
(Note: This report includes data from events up to July 27, 2000)