Event #
Lot #
Location |
Total Bid |
QTY #Items in Lot
Acquisition Price
Lot Title
Event: 2432
Lot: 155
Moorhead MN |
Details Available
Qty: 2
Items: 21
Details Available
805 ea apprx Aerospace items to include linear actuators, bendix parts kits, solenoid valve, gaskets, inserts, knobs, o-rings, plain encased seals PN:200851, coupler seal sleeves, helical compression spring PN:7-113100060, helical extension springs, washers, bolts, disc, vaneaxial fan PN:801105-5-1, pumps, channel, elevator pylon assembly, rod assembly, and flanges. Winning bid will require an EUC. Preview is available Wednesday, October 24th from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Event: 20073
Lot: 2136
Moorhead MN |
Details Available
Qty: 2
Items: 88
Details Available
3896 ea apprx Aerospace items to include ac controls, combustion diffusers, slip rings PN:7891061-654, suction compressor valves, bolts, plain hexagon nuts, packing, o-rings, grooved headless pins, ext. retaining rings, screws, spacer, welding studs, helical springs, armature relay, radio frequency coils, quartz crystal units, cylinders, disc, expansion chamber, grommets, latches, nuts, pistons, rf coils, motor control transicoil and formers, element, gaskets, grip handle, primer pump, actuator, tube axial fans, igniters PN:C44TS4, meter, pressure switch, valves PN:871040, self lock nuts, transmission shafts, washers, bendix parts kits, inserts, knobs, sleeve seal couplers, vane axial fans PN:801105-5-1, pump, channel, pylon assembly elevator, rod assembly, and flanges. Winning Bid will require an EUC. Preview is available Wednesday, December 19th from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.