5 boxes containing 150 EA (approx) shims. 700 EA (approx) preformed packings. Pneumatic inner tube: tires and tubes (DOD integrated manager). Preview is available February 22nd from 8 am to 12 pm.
1,253 ea (apprx) Aerospace items to include pallets containing 10 ea manual control levers, 150 ea (apprx) shims. 700 ea (apprx) preformed packings. Pneumatic inner tube: tires and tubes (DoD Integrated Manager), engine starter motor: FMS unique/OC-ALC. Actuating cylinder: jet engines (J57), Pratt & Whitney jet engines & components, J-57. And more. Export Controls may apply to equipment in this lot. Preview is available Wednesday, June 6th from 8:00-12:00.